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The Melungeon Indians


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The legend of their history, which they carefully preserve, is this.  A great many years ago, these mountains were settled by a society of Portuguese Adventurers, men and women,  who came from the long-shore parts of Virginia, that they might be freed from the restraints and drawbacks imposed on them by any form of government.  These people made themselves friendly with the Indians and freed as they were from every kind of social government, they uprooted all conventional forms of society and lived in a delightful Utopia of their own creation."  

The Melungens

Newman's Ridge  1848



Melungeon DNA Projects

DNA - Why it Won't Work

A Scientific Researcher's View

"That leaves mitochondrial and Y-chromosome tests. Regrettably, neither will work to solve the Melungeon mystery.  They simply can not determine Melungeon ethnicity even in properly selected subjects."  Read Here


DNA Research into the Benjamin Collins, Burgess Collins, etc., Read Here


If you are going to use the research from this site please add a link back here.


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Whole Indian Nations have melted away like snowballs in the sun before the white man's advance. They leave scarcely a name of our people except those wrongly recorded by their destroyers. 

~Dragging Canoe   1776



Research Projects

These are the projects I am working on currenty, would appreciate any help.

Melungeons, Redbones & the Croatan

Valentine Gibson & His Siblings

Genealogies of the Pee Dee Families




This Website is not associated with Jack Goins or the Melungeon Historical Society and does not subscribe to their 'old school' ideas which is based on outdated research, most of which has been proven to be false


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by Joanne Pezzullo


Walter Plecker

Plecker’s work appears to be gaining strength by adopting the idea that the ‘one drop’ of African blood invalidates any claim to Native American ancestry. In other words if there is any trace of African ancestry they are no longer “Indians” but become Free African Americans. When the Native tribes mixed with the English they certainly did not become English and no one called them whites nor when they mixed with the French, Germans, etc. They were still ‘called’ Indians.

Read Here 


Letters from Bonnie S. Ball

As to the Melungeons, I had known them since childhood, since my father had them living as tenants on our farm when I was 8 or 9 years old. He had grown up in the Blackwater, Va., area and known them all his life.

So this has been a fascinating subject for me and I still feel convinced that they are a mixture of Moorish, Portuguese, Croatan Indians, and a small portion of Anglo-Saxon blood that was left from the final massacre of the Roanoke Island colony in North Carolina. If not, how can we explain why they use old Elizabethan English expressions and all the older ones said they were "Porty-gee."













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